Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 27

Ok--we're finished!!! Answer the questions on page 265. (1) What does the story signify? What is Mansfield saying in the story? What do you see as its meaning? AND (2) What does it signify? What elements does Mansfield employ to cause the story to signify whatever it signifies? What elements, in other words, cause it to mean the things you take it to mean?

Chapter 26

On the last page of this chapter, Foster states that "irony doesn't work for everyone." What does he mean by that? Why doesn't it? What does he mean by multivocal and univocal?

Chapter 25

Explain the meaning of the title of this chapter.

Chapter 24

Re-read the last paragraph carefully and then respond. Do you agree? What has been lost in modern writing--if you do agree? If you don't--why not?

Chapter 23

This one is short--what was the short story we read in which a woman's heart disease was "heart disease"? What happened to her and why????

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter 22

Write about a novel or short story you've read (or a movie if you have to) in which you learn something early on that seems minor but becomes very important later.

Chapter 21

Again, choose a sentence or two from this chapter that you found interesting and comment on it. (Include the sentence and page number.) Why did it stand out? Do you agree with what he said? Why or why not?