Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 23

This one is short--what was the short story we read in which a woman's heart disease was "heart disease"? What happened to her and why????


  1. Story on an Hour. She died because she saw her husband, who she thought was dead, and realized she didn't have her freedom anymore. When he died she was happy to have freedom since her husband had lived her life for her.

  2. The short story that we read in class about a woman with heart disease was "The Story of an Hour." In the beginning of the story, she finds out that her husband has been killed in a train accident while he was working. She is immediately filled with grief, but then slowly realizes that she is free from the "bondage" of her marriage and can live for only herself now. Then as she sees her husband coming in the distance, she knows that her freedom is gone and she dies of her "heart disease".

  3. The Story of an Hour. When she thought her husband had died, she felt free and excited in a way. When she saw her husband walk through the door alive, she died because she was shocked and disappointed her freedom had been taken away so quickly

  4. Story of an hour, the woman died because of grief, but not of grief that her husband died. Yes, she mourned her husband's death because at some point in time she loved him not like he loved her but in some way she did. She died because after she found out that her husband was dead she felt freedom again and knew she could be her own person again, then she saw her husband alive and the thought of having to be with him again and buckled down again was overwhelming and caused her death.

  5. Story of an Hour. It was about a woman who at first is told that her husband died. Immediately she is filled with grief, but after a few moments she starts to realize that she isn't "tied" to her marriage anymore and she is now able to live for herself instead of her husband doing it for her. Then just as she gets happy, her husband comes home and all the happiness and freedom is washed away. It says in the beginning she has heart disease anyways so with that and the thought of her freedom being taken away causes her death.

  6. The story was called Story of an Hour. In the beginning the author foreshadows the story by saying the woman has heart disease. When she finds out her husband died, its almost like she is happy or "free". But towards the end she gets news that her husband wasn't on the crashing train, she sees her husband and automatically dies of a heart attack. Questioning if she was over joyed of her alive husband, or heart broken.

  7. The short story we read was The Story of an Hour. In the beginning of the story the author explains the women has a heart condition. The women is told that her husband was killed in a tragic accident. The women begins to sob, but shortly after she realizes that she is no longer tied down and is able to live her own life. Ironically the women dies of a heart attack because he husband walked through the door.

  8. The Story of An Hour. In the beginning of the story you are told about they women's heart condition and how they had to be careful while telling her about her husbands death. She sobbed then realized that she was free. At the end of the story it comes out that her husband wasn't dead and the sight of him triggers a heart attack.

  9. The short story was called "The Story Of An Hour". In the beginning of the story we find out that she has a heart disease. At the end of the story she dies because she sees her husband who she thought was dead. We don't know if she died because she was shocked in a bad way that he was alive or in a good way.

  10. The short story was called " The Story of an Hour". In the story it says that she has a heart problem. Then she finds out her husband dies and she has a hard time believing what really has happened at first then she finally realizes that she can be free and do what she wants if he isnt around to "live" for her. When she is told in the end of the story that he hasnt died and she sees him walking up to her, we dont know if she died because of joy or because she thought she was going to be able to live free and now she was shocked because she couldn't.

  11. In "The Story of an Hour", it's stated that the woman has a heart problem. She literally has a heart problem, but it's also metaphoric, because she is easily excited, which contributes to her demise at the end of the short story.

  12. It was The Story of an Hour. In the beginning it told us about her heart disease. She comes to find out that her husband dies in a car wreck and weeps but then later becomes excited about her new idea of freedom. She comes to find out that her husband did not die and when he comes back she dies of a heart attack. The book kind of leaves us to wonder her real reason of death but i think that it was just her shock of seeing her husband alive.

  13. the story of an hour. the lady is sick from heart failure and she finds out her husband has died. she goes upstairs and realizes she is finally free from him so she is super excited. she is looking out the window and sees her husband coming, and then suddenly she dies because she was not going to be free anymore

  14. The short story that we read in which a woman's heart disease was "heart disease" was The Story of an Hour. In the story, the protagonist had a weak heart that, when she learned that her husband was alive and that her freedom had been stripped from her, died from a heart attack.
