Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter 18

Ok, this one is a free write. We haven't really read enough yet, so there hasn't been a story where someone gets wet or drowns. (There will be a big one though...)

Just comment on the chapter. What did you think? Do you think reading this book and hearing about things like the symbolic meanings of drowning and submersion will change the way you read? How so?


  1. I think that this chapter was interesting. I've never really thought that if the character survives from falling into a lake or pond that it can symbolize luck, passivity, or good fortune. I just simply thought that is what the author wanted to happen. Also it surprised me when in the story of Henry Lamartine Jr., that Henry had been "drowning" his whole life from the war and his nightmares. I do think that reading this book will help me take a better look at what I am reading and try to find the messages the author has put in the story.

  2. I always had a hunch that when character survives it meant something more than just surviving because in real life nobody passes out and then wakes up from a dream or vision and now has the ability to swim to the surface. I didn't though relate it to the character having luck or good fortune. I thought it had something to do with rebirth and baptismal waters...guess i was wrong. I think this chapter cleared some fuzzy ideas up for me, so I should be able to see more from these scenes. Maybe I will be able to spot some 'drowning' scenes even though they aren't in water

  3. From now on whenever I read a story that includes someone being drowned or just going to swim I will probably recognize that something a little bit bigger is going on rather then just that action in the scene. I think that reading this book has helped me be aware of more symbolic messages even though I might not recognize them all.

  4. I liked this chapter. I never really realized all the things that came along with drowning. This will defiantly make me look at drowning scenes differently. I didn't know that the director was trying to give us a message about the character through the drowning. This makes me think of Titanic. Maybe there was a significance in that Jack died and Rose didn't, besides his love for her.

  5. I never really thought about the drowning thing in that way. Before reading this book or even taking an AP English class, when i read a story i thought that what happened just happened because the author wrote it that way. From now on i will probably always think about what it could symbolize.

  6. This chapter was interesting because you would never think that every little thing has a bigger meaning behind it. Although I wish that all the concepts in literature were true in the real world

  7. This chapter was pretty interesting because I like a few others have said have honestly never realized that when a character survives a drowning or other event of that nature that it could symbolize something more than them just surviving.

  8. I think reading this book and hearing about things like symbolic meanings of drowning and submersion will definitely change the way I read. I can already tell a difference when I do read, I pick up on things that I normally wouldn't and I can connect different things with the bigger picture. I've always had a general understanding that drowning could be symbolic in some way, but I never would have known that it could mean luck.

  9. I think that reading this book is kind of like being back in Mr. McElraths class when you really don't want to learn certain things because it makes you analyze more. I do think that learning about the symbolic meanings of drowning and submersion will definitely change how I see things when I watch a movie or read a book. Even before when I had read something I had always thought that there was a more in depth reason for someone surviving, not really meaning good luck but because there was a purpose for them to survive.

  10. This book has completely changed the way I read. This chapter made me re-think when I read a story about drowning or not dying representing luck and things like that. I can understand what the author is talking about when he says there is a bigger meaning, and reading this book I can see all the different ways.

  11. I believe that reading this book will change the way I read books, and I can already tell that it's changing the way I read. I had always thought that drowning or submersion had just meant death, and I never really thought about how it could symbolize luck. You may not think your really learning anything when your reading a book like this, but it sinks in even when you don't realize it.

  12. Ever since Mr. McElrath's class everytime I read I usually pick up more and mre on symbolic meaning but I have never realized drowning and submersion were so important. I can't really thinki of a book I have read with drowning in it but now that I know there are deeper meaning to it I'm sure I will look more into it now. Not just this chapter, but this whole book is definately helping me pick up things in stories that I'm reading. I didn't think everything had a purpose behind it until now especially because of this book. I'm not going to lie though, it's like half of this stuff I already know because AP english 3 but the other half has completely hit me by suprise and made me think. I like learning the new stuff though, it makes reading more enjoyable now that I know what to look out for.

  13. Reading this book will change the way that I read other books. I would have never been able to relate someone drowning to that character having luck. To me when someone drowned it had always just meant that they had died.

  14. I think that after reading this book I will be a more cautious reader. I will know the signs, clues, and hints to look for. Signs, clues, and hints that I never really thought of as important before. But those simple situations that may not seem important are the ones that make the story what it is. Those simple situations determine the outcome of not only the characters but the story as a whole.

  15. Whenever i see drowning in a book or movie i just think, "Well the author had it that way for a reason." But now i am starting to see it as something more than it really is. For example when frodo starts to drown in the waters where sam and smeagol save him. It is kind of a foreshadow to where frodo will be drowning in his own fear later in the story of the evil that waits in mor'dor.

  16. I think reading this book has made me more aware of things in books that I didn't really catch before. Taking an AP class as a Junior started that but this book made it more subspecific. I now know to look for things like people eating dinner and flying. This book is making me more aware.

  17. Wow this is pretty sweet ! i never would have made that connection. but now that i think about it. it makes a lot of sense. the only relation i can think about is what cody already said with frodo drowning in the marshes

  18. I think that drowning can be very symbolic, i agree with cody and ryan sometimes its foreshadowing how a character is going to "drowned" in their own fear or sorrow or some other emotion

  19. I definitely agree with kiaya on this one. This book and AP english classes are definitely changing the way I read, enhancing it. I'm noticing a lot of different things like foreshadowing and themes simple stuff like that.

  20. I totally see where surviving a submersion would symbolize rebirth, the whole baptism thing totally makes sense. But I'm sure this is far deeper than literally submerging in water. Surviving any near-death or traumatic experience gives you a new outlook on life, because you learn something about life when you're given the chance to live.

  21. really i dont think any book can change the way i read. i personally only like books that is about sports. but these past two years, i think my thought process has completely changed. i never even thought about how there could be so many deep meanings. i can easily think when i read i dont need to stop and i am a much better writer because its so easy to think. i dont regret at all for taking these AP classes, as a matter a fact, whoever didnt take it because they thought it was boring or something, they are idiots

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I thought this was a good chapter. But, no. I don't think reading this book and hearing about things like the symbolic meanings of drowning and submersion will change the way I read. I already read books looking for the symbolic meanings. I doubt that this book will change my ways in reading. Sorry. Just too smart already. Hahaha

  24. Yeah, I'm thinking viewing submersion/drowning/and anything related can change the way I read. For example, in the end of a A Great and Terrible Beauty, Gemma has pulled Pippa out of the water. In those instances though, Pippa changed. She made an incredibly big decision that would affect everyone around her. (Read the books, seriously.) That water drenched her, not to mention that it was storming when she fell in and when Gemma pulled her out. They were both soaked. Then everything changed. Water changes things. More often than not, while you're reading it or looking back, you'll realize that was a turning point. A shift, we could say.
